Do you want to earn money on easy way? Are you bored with your ad program on your website or blog? Oh one more thing are you bored to write review and getting paid? Well now here is a website that will pay you just by clicking on the advertisement they presented on their own website. Yup, that means you can earn money just by clicking your mouse on the advertisement. If you interested just go to the There you can register for free and start clicking o earn money.
When you click the advertisement you must pay attention to few details. First of all after you click an advertisement you must at least look at it for maybe 10 to 20 seconds after you click another advertisement. You don't have to read about it, just keep the window active among that period of time and you will get pay. That also mean you can not open multiple window to open another advertisement before the last advertisement opened for 10 to 20 seconds.
Inside the Site
Oh before I forget this website also have tools to prevent their user from using automatic clicking machine. This method is simple though don't worry about it, it's simply after you click the ad you want to view a red dot appears. You must click it in order to view the ad. The red dot will come up in random location to prohibit the clicking machine to predict where it will come up next. The web page is using https protocol means its using a secure portal for their operation.
Now we get to the payroll part. The neobux will pay you $0.02 per click and view and if you can get refferals,every time your referrals click on an advertisement you will earn $0.02 for every click and view they make. The payment will be send via PayPal or PayAlert. So make sure you have PayPal or PayAlert account to recive your payment. You can collect your payment after it reaches $2.
For The Advertisers
Neobux also open an opportunity for the advertisers to advertise with them. Advertisers can choose the design, the payment and how long the ad need to be viewed by the users. It's easy and it's profitable because the essence of advertisement is how you get other people to read it right?
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